tastebud bearing papillae
Taste buds are found primarily in the tongue papillae. The tongue contains 4 types of papillae, the most common type, filiform, are thin and wire shaped and do not contain taste buds. On the dorsal, anterior border of the tongue are mushroom shaped papillae, fungiform,these have taste buds located near the middle or in a cleft of the papillae. The foliate papillae are leaf shaped with taste buds on the side of the papillae, and these are along the border. The circumvallate papillae contain taste buds along the sides of whorls and are located in the posterior third of the tongue in the shape of a V. Taste buds are also located in the oral mucosa of the palate and epiglottis.
Taste buds are found primarily in the tongue papillae. The tongue contains 4 types of papillae, the most common type, filiform, are thin and wire shaped and do not contain taste buds. ... About 50-60 taste cells are located in pear-shaped taste buds and the taste cells through microvilli project into a taste pore.