TB] Short Answer Type Questions Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words each: 1. Which parts of the landscape were painted by Wu Daozi ? (वू दाउजी के द्वारा भू-दृश्य के कौन-से भाग को रंगा गया?) 2. What happened to the painter as he entered the cave? (चित्रकार के साथ क्या हुआ जब उसने गुफा में प्रवेश किया?) 3. Which element is often overlooked ? How is it essential ? (किस तथ्य को प्रायः अनदेखा किया जाता है? यह किस प्रकार आवश्यक है?) 4. What do you learn about Daoist view of the universe ? (डोइस्ट के ब्रह्माण्ड के विचारों से आप क्या सीखते हैं?) Lo AnnonT. Tin
1) The emperor admired the wonderful landscape painted by Wu Daozi; he was spellbound with the beauty of forests, high mountains, waterfalls, clouds floating in an immense sky, men on hilly paths, birds in flight.
2) As the painter entered the cave, the entrance of the cave closed behind him. Before the emperor could even react, the painting vanished from the wall. Neither the painter nor his brush could be seen again.
3) The Middle void is the third element that is often overlooked. This is essential because the interaction between 'Yang' and 'Yin' takes place there.
4) Daoism recognizes but complementary elements in the universe namely 'Yang and Yin'. 'Yang' is active masculine, stable, warm, and dry where as 'Yin' is receptive, feminine, fluid, moist, and cool.