English, asked by tsparvathi1972, 1 year ago

teaching is a noble profession.write a short debate on it


Answered by Prashantclan
There are many professions which man has adopted according to his knowledge and ability. A person can adopt any profession or business. It depends upon his aptitudes and mental capability. All profession are equally important for the human development. But the teaching is the profession which has lead people on the high way of progress and prosperity. No development had been possible if there had been no teacher. All the sciences all the arts and crafts and all the civilizations and cultures are due to the teaching. In fact teaching is the noble profession let me call the teaching as prophetic profession, because invariably all prophets are teachers. They taught and preached the message of God. 

The importance and nobility of this profession is evident from a tradition of Holy Prophet (Peace by upon Him) in which he says “I have been sent to you as a teacher” in an other Hadith Holy Prophet (Peace by upon Him) says “He who is neither teacher nor student is not a Muslim” these sayings of Holy Prophet (Peace by upon Him) show the importance of teaching and learning and prove that a Muslim must be a associated with the process of teaching. Thus teaching is a great profession.

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