History, asked by mandeeproshan, 10 months ago

teachings of swami dayanand saraswati


Answered by playerPN


Teachings of swami dayanand saraswati are :-

Listening or reading most attentively with a calm mind to the lectures of a learned man, and more so if the subjects are a divine Science, because it is the most abstruse and the subtlest of all the sciences.

Thinking over what one has heard or read in retirement, and in removing doubts if there be any by questioning the speaker. Questions may sometimes be asked even in the middle of a discourse if the speaker and the audience think proper.

Rationalizing is the next step. When all doubts are cleared after hearing or reading a discourse and thinking over it, let the enquirer enter into a higher condition (see the prelimnary stages of yoga) where the mind alternates between the correct knowledge and wrong knowledge whether it is the same as he had heard and reasoned out or not.

Self-realization is the highest condition achieved through intensed and continued or uninterrupted effort in study and practiced which results in the correct knowledge of the nature, properties and characteristics of the desired object.

Answered by RAWMM

Swami dayananda sarashwati stood against manmade dictates such as caste by birth and women exclusion from reading Vedas.Swami Dayanand Sarashwati (1824-1833),was more than a religious leader....

hope u liked it

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