Technical term
The tangible parts which make computer system.
The hardware refers to tangible physical parts of a computer system; its electrical, electronic, electromechanical components
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Technical term for the tangible parts of computer system is Hardware.
Tangible Parts Of The Computer
Tangible Parts or we can say physical parts of a computer, By word physical we can get the idea, "Parts That we can touch". There are four type of computer hardware, which are given below;
- Input devices
- Output devices
- Storage devices
- Processing Devices
Input devices:
The input devices are those devices, through which we can enter data into the computer. For examples Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Joystick, Light pen, Touch sensitive screen, Scanner, OMR, OBR, OCR etc.
Output devices:
The input devices are those devices, through which we can see our required output.
There are two types of output devices,
- Soft copy output devices whose output is intangible. Example: CRT Monitors, LCD Monitors, ETC.
- Hardcopy output devices whose output is tangible. Example: Printers and Plotters There also some audio output devices Example: Speakers.
Storage Device
Primary Storage Devices store data temporary. There are two types of primary storage devices,
- RAM (Random Access Memory)
- ROM (Read only Memory)
(1) RAM:
It is a volatile memory. This is called random access memory because nay piece of data available inside the memory can be accessed directly or randomly. RAM may be conventional and extended. Conventional memory is also called Base memory. First 640 Kilo Bytes of the total memory is called conventional memory is called Conventional memory, where the Operating system resides. Memory besides the conventional memory is called Extended Memory.
The RAM may be of following types, which are given below.
(2) ROM:
This is called read only memory because we can only read the contents of memory but we can not write on the ROM chip. This basically contains Display messages from the manufactures.
Run the POST (Power on Self Test), which checks the memory, keyboard, drives, printer and all attached devices. it perform the function of Searching for an Operating System.
It loads the BIOS (Basic Input Output System), which works with the microprocessor, for controlling the inputs and outputs. That’s why we some time called BIOS as ROM BIOS.
There are three types of ROM, which are given below.
Processing Devices:
These devices convert the input into output. Processor is the processing device in the computer. It is the brain of the computer. Every CPU has the Four main units, which are
- CU (Control Unit)
- MU (Memory Unit)
- ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit)
- FPU (Floating point unit)