"Teenagers can take their own decision, the older people decide for them" Write a debate on this topic.
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young people will soon work for 50 years or more. I realise that choosing the profession I want to follow – and the A-levels and university courses that will get me there – is a decision of paramount importance. But I can't help thinking that it's too much for an inexperienced 17-year-old to make.
What you want to be when you grow up requires careful thought: we need time to learn about and consider all the options. But the rush to get good grades – and the fact that our grades heavily influence what we can and can't do – means that some students make hurried, expedient decisions, which may not be for the best in the long-term.
Pressure is piled on young people to choose qualifications for a career they want now but will wait five years to get. GCSEs came and went in a blur. Then I was preparing for the next hurdle – A-levels. As soon as these were under way, I found myself on the busy road of university open days, prospectuses and student finance talks. In the midst of all of this, employers expect you to be building relevant work experience. And none of this can be easily undone – if I suddenly find that being a doctor is the only career for me but I don't have any science A-levels, I face a long hard trip back through education.
The higher education system doesn't help much either. Universities often demand top grades and experience for certain courses. In the crush to get all this sorted, it's hard to find the time to consider your options.
It's not like there's no support out there. There is, but sometimes it can be as much of a curse as a blessing. Vast amounts of guidance has introduced me to the various career routes I could take. But, on the flip side, the variety of careers that I've become aware of has left me, and doubtless many others, even more uncertain of which I want to pursue. While it's better to be over-informed than uninformed, at the tender age of 17, I've been bombarded with numerous options. But telling me about the many options – while piling on the pressure to make a snappy decision – isn't really helping.
With students choosing careers that they may not suit them, a worrying scenario could emerge: we could be stuck in careers like round pins in square holes. This is detrimental for the students because reconsidering a career is an enormous decision. But it's also detrimental for employers who will struggle to keep excellent students interested in careers that they no longer want.
The majority of us do not know what we want to do when we finish education – let alone when we're halfway through. And the few who do know what they want often rethink their choice as they develop and grow. Who I am now isn't who I might be in the future, and the education and recruitment system needs to give us the space and time to make the right career choices