Biology, asked by dhruvilpanchal015, 3 months ago

Teenagers should take special care of health during adolescence. Give reason.​


Answered by jassisinghiq


Teenagers should take special care of health during adolescence. Give reason.​


Adolescence - It is the phase of life between age 10 to 19.

Rapid physical changes happens during this time.

Reproductive organs develops in both female and male. Boys develops masculine bodies, heavy voice. Girls body becomes curvy and they gets their menstruation cycle. All this hapeens due to effects of hormones. In case of males, name of the hormone is testosterone (primarily). In case female the hormones are estrogen and progesterone (primarily).


Healthy diet is very important because special care of health starts with a healthy diet. Exercising and good mental health is also important because there is effects of hormones and proper excercise will be helpful for good mental health which will be again helpful for proper hormone functioning. In this phase body changes and they are very important changes for  proper adulthood.

If any ocurrs happens that would problamatic or also could be very dangerous for them.

Problems are -

1. Unable to reproduce or difficculties in reproduction function.

2. Proper body structure or healthy body structure can't be formed.

3. Mental health should be taken care of that could cause a serious mental health problem.

Taking healthy food is the most important for funtioning of the body and proper hormone funtioning.

So, every teenagers should take special care of health during adolescence for proper adulthood and avoid health problems.


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