English, asked by imnsh, 1 year ago

television and computers are responsible for the decline in the reading habit among the school children write a letter in hundred to 120 words to the editor of a newspaper suggesting some ways by which parents and teacher can promote reading habits among school children


Answered by sujatadey684
the editor
Times of India
Sub.:- Promoting reading among school children
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper i would like u to publish a news regarding television and computers responsible for decline in reading book among school students. computer and television Have become a important and essential part of our lives. but due to this school children have decrease their interest in books. The radiation of television and computers harm their eyes. Parents and teachers must convince their child to read book instead of watching TV and using computer.
so I will be highly obliged if you kindly publish a news regarding reading book so that they may grew a interest in reading books.
Thanking you
yours kindly
Answered by 33ankursingh33



Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I want to draw the attention of your readers towards the joy of reading. Because of televisions and computers there is decline in reading book among children and adult too.

With the advancement of technology and the introduction of high tech gadgets children and adult have forgotten the joy of reading. Ever since man has created the form of writing as form of conversation reading has been one of the most leisure(free time) activities of human kind. There are many advantages of reading an disadvantage of not reading, reading is joyous way of passing time while learning something new, by reading you can improves your knowledge not only in literature but about the subject you are reading about, it also give you freedom of experiencing million of character and situation, it also increase your confidence, where not reading may lower your confidence and form of our speech. Reading plays an important part in growing emotion of children parent should convince their children to read.

I am sure publishing this letter will certainly help in spreading the awareness among children and their parents about joy of reading

Yours sincerely


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