English, asked by Rex881288, 1 year ago

Television has often been called both 'a liberal educator' and 'an electronic babysitter'. Comment.


Answered by Anonymous

yup tv can b a liberal educator and an electronic baby sitter.Parents often report putting their babies in front of a television set 2 quiet them.TV helps them 2 get engrossed in d entertainment its providing.

Parents think dat tv is d best caretaker 4 their lil child.
what does it mean to provide care? besides food and shelter needs, 2 care for someone is 2 answer their questions and spend time with them and share of yourself. we want a caretaker that never gets tired of us, never calls us stupid (at least to our face), never leaves us. if we consider d television as a caretaker, we find the television may not perform so well answering particular questions or giving us individual attention all the time, but the television is a conversationalist that is never quiet. it may not listen 2 us, but it is always there.

YUP so tv is a 
a liberal educator' and 'an electronic babysitter'.

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