English, asked by navinaik, 1 year ago

television the liberal education?


Answered by guptajay2345owj48s
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A liberal education is a course of education which is suitable to cultivate a free being.It is a form of education which teaches values and is taken up one's own personal enrichment.
Television can be considered as a liberal educator as it has a large audience. Viewers are upto date and informed about what's happening around the globe.
There are many channels one can subscribe to, that provide value to the viewer. Today, television tells most of the stories to most of the people most of the time. Television is for most people the most attractive thing going any time of the day or night. In a way it also brings us closer to people around the world, as it gives us insights to their culture and life. Though the medium of television is distant, it seems more personal and face to face for people.
We live in a world in which the vast majority will not turn off the television. If we don't get the message from the television, we get it through other people. There may be many negative aspects of the television, but the positive aspects supercede them all and can be considered as the centre of liberal education today.
I think that's enough
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