tell about 15 sentences about Eagle
Eagles are large, powerful birds of prey.
Eagles have large, hooked beaks.
Eagles have excellent eyesight.
Eagles have powerful talons which help them catch prey.
Eagles build their nests on high cliffs or in tall trees.
There are over 60 different species of eagle.
Eagles feature prominently on the coat of arms of a large number of countries, such as Germany, Mexico, Egypt, Poland and Austria.
Golden eagles have been known to hunt foxes, wild cats and even young deer and goats.
Female golden eagles usually lay between one and four eggs each breeding season.
Bald eagles aren’t actually bald.
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Eagle, any of many large, heavy-beaked, big-footed birds of prey belonging to the family Accipitridae (order Accipitriformes). In general, an eagle is any bird of prey more powerful than a buteo. An eagle may resemble a vulture in build and flight characteristics but has a fully feathered (often crested) head and strong feet equipped with great curved talons. A further difference is in foraging habits: eagles subsist mainly on live prey. They are too ponderous for effective aerial pursuit but try to surprise and overwhelm their prey on the ground. Like owls, many decapitate their kills. Because of their strength, eagles have been a symbol of war and imperial power since Babylonian times. Their likeness is found on Greek and Roman ruins, coins, and medals.