English, asked by goodday50, 11 months ago

tell about a truly beautiful mind chapter of beehive

Abhimanyuss: hi jiya
goodday50: hi
Abhimanyuss: how r u
goodday50: fine
Abhimanyuss: i didn't mean anything wrong/ disgusting
Abhimanyuss: was just curious abt it


Answered by tushaar05
A Truly Beautiful Mind



A truly Beautiful mind' is a story based on great Scientist of 20th century, Albert Einstein.  He gave theories like ‘theory of Relativity’ and ‘photoelectric effect’ .The chapter is brief description of his life story starting from his childhood days. 


Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in the German city of Ulm. No one knew that the new born would be one of the greatest scientists.  On the contrary, his mother thought Albert was having some physical abnormality. His head was large. 

Einstein was not able to talk at the age of two-and a half year. But still, he was not speaking things properly.  His playmates found him boring and useless. They called him ‘Brother Boring’. He loved to play with mechanical toys. 

In school, teachers didn’t like Einstein in their class. Einstein was not a bad pupil. He did well in school in almost all subjects. He didn’t like the way the things were taught in school. He often had clashes with teachers.  When Einstein was 15 years old, he left school.  At age of six, he started learning violin because his mother wanted him to learn. He maintained the skill throughout his life. 

One year before Einstein left school, his parents had moved to Milan from Munich. He was left with relatives to continue his schooling in Munich. He has to make long discussions, and arguments to convince his parents to allow him to continue his education in German-speaking Switzerland. So, he left for Switzerland. He considered Switzerland as more liberal place than Munich. 

Einstein was extraordinary in Mathematics and physics. After Graduation, he decided to study in university in Zurich. He felt a special interest in a fellow student, Mileva  Maric. She had come to Switzerland because the University in Zurich was one of the few in Europe where women could get degrees. Einstein fell in love with her. There love letters where mixed with scientific references and jokes. : “How happy and proud I shall be when we both have brought our work on relativity to a victorious conclusion.” This is the kind of wordings used in their love letters. 

He graduated in 1900 from  University, at the age of 21. He worked as teaching assistant, gave private  tuitions. He got his first Job in 1902 as a technical expert in patent office in Bern.  His job was to assess other people’s inventions, patent office in Bern. But, he started generating his own ideas there in secret.  That’s why he was jokingly called his desk drawer at work the “bureau of theoretical physics.” This is because it contains his great works.  

In 1905, He gave the special Theory of Relativity. This followed the world’s most famous formula which describes the relationship between mass and energy. E=MC^2.

He was facing problems in his private life. Albert had wanted to marry right after finishing his studies, but his mother was against it. She was also bothered by Mileva’s intelligence.  Einstein married to Mileva in 1903. They had two sons. There married life was not that good. Mileva was losing her ambitions as she was also a science students and wanted to do researches. But after marriage, she had become an unhappy housewife. Both get divorced in 1919. Einstein married his cousin Elsa the same year.

Einstein got world fame in 1915, when he got his General Theory of relativity published. The theory provided new concept about Gravity. Einstein work was proclaimed as “a scientific revolution” By scientists. Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his work in Photoelectric effect.

In 1933 Nazi party came in power in Germany. Einstein left Germany and emigrated to United States. The discovery of Nuclear fission in Berlin made physicists of America worried about it. They were aware of potential of nuclear fission for making nuclear bombs. Many of them has fled from Germany like Einstein due to Fascism of Nazi Party under leadership of Hitler. Einstein wrote a letter to the American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, on 2 August 1939 regarding threat of Nuclear bomb.  He was true.  Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki faced nuclear attacks in August 1945. 

Einstein was deeply hurt by the destruction. This time he wrote an open letter to the United Nations. In this he  proposed the formation of a world government. The letter had no impact. Einstein got ever more involved in politics — agitating for an end to the arms buildup and using his popularity to campaign for peace and democracy.

When Einstein died in 1955 at the age of 76, he was celebrated as a visionary and world citizen as much as a scientific genius.

LOVELYGIRL12345: How r u tushaar
tushaar05: Fyn and u
shriya3749: hey, tushar. Thanks for the answer buddy
shriya3749: i was too tensed for it
shriya3749: Thanks once again
yuvrajkj: hii
yuvrajkj: Happy Diwali
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