Tell an enthusiasm story on the theme "keep the drum rolling "
Definition: Keep an activity going.
In other words, keep the ball rolling means to continue a discussion, progress, or other action rather than stall or stop.
There are also the expressions get the ball rolling, get the wheels rolling, and get the wheels turning, all of which mean to get an activity started.
Origin of Keep the Ball Rolling
The expression calls to mind various sports in which players must keep a literal ball rolling in order to progress to victory. Some say, however, a much older use of the phrase referred to the sun and planets as rolling balls.
- This expression keep the ball rolling is an American variation of an older British expression keep the ball up, which people used idiomatically as early as the 1700s to mean continue something.
- In the United States, the rolling version of the expression became popular due to the presidential campaign of William Harrison in the year 1840. He won the election but is most notable because he died just 31 days into his presidency.
While he was running for election, his staff created large spheres (taller than most men), which were rolled through the streets. The balls advertised Harrison for president, and staff encouraged supporters to push these balls through the streets while crying keep the ball rolling. The staff used this slogan to keep enthusiasm and support high for their candidate.
- In this example, two friends are discussing ideas for a party they want to throw.
Monica: Okay, we have a list of about ten ideas for the party. I’d like to get five more ideas.
Janice: Okay. What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?
Monica: No, don’t allow yourself to get distracted! We’re almost finished. We just have to keep the ball rolling. For example, I think the party should have a beach theme. Now we have 11 of our 15 ideas. Now it’s your turn