Tell how switch works with explanation
To explain how does a switch work, let me make an introduction to the subject by explaining background of TCP/IP stack layers, frame and the purpose of switch. This will help you to understand the exact operation of switch which is the main agenda here.
To allow communication between billions of computer devices, intermediate network devices are needed. As we know from the How does Router work post, routers, like crossroads and road signs, properly direct packets from the source to the destination. They look into the IP packet header searching for the destination IP address (Source and destination IP are included in the packet header) and based on local routing table, route the packet to the next hop towards the destination. So routers operate at Layer 3 (IP Packet is network layer – Layer 3 communication structure).
While switches allow different devices on a network to communicate, routers allow different networks to communicate. A router is a networking device that routes data packets between computer networks. A router can connect networked computers to the Internet, so multiple users can share a connection.