English, asked by akku12, 1 year ago

tell me a story about a shark


Answered by vyshnavireddy

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived a shark named Simon and a dolphin named Dudley. They lived in the ocean, not too far from a beautiful sandy beach, a tall lighthouse, and a dark, murky swamp.


Simon's favorite thing was to attack Dudley and his sisters. He would dive deep in the water, lurking near the bottom, and then, when he saw the dolphins playing near the surface, he would swim as hard as he could toward them and try to bite their tails! But the dolphins always saw him coming, and they would come up out of the water, and stand on their tails, and whistle and giggle, the way dolphins do, and they always managed to keep just out of reach of Simons big sharp teeth.

One day, while Dudley was swimming by himself, and Simon was chasing him, they got very close to the shore. Dudley leaped out of the water with Simon right behind him, and they both saw something very strange on the beach. There, leading out of the swamp, were strange tracks in the sand! Dudley stopped swimming, and Simon stopped chasing, and they floated and wondered about the unusual footprints in front of them.
But since neither of those creatures were seen in those parts very often, they kept on wondering. They thought maybe it had been a Big Bellied Widget Gobbler, or a Black and White Thingy, or perhaps a Hooty Snooty Crawler. But they just weren't sure what had made those funny, large footprints!
All of a sudden they heard something coming, something was shuffling along the beach. They could almost see it now, it was getting closer and closer, and then, there it was! It was even stranger than anything they had thought of! There, coming at them, getting nearer and nearer was.............a by golly great big green alligator, wearing a funny hat and raggedy overalls! And he was dancing!Well, they thought this was the funniest sight they had ever seen, but then, they heard music too! And the music was getting louder and louder, and out of the corners of their eyes they saw...oh, it just couldn't be!There, coming out of the swamp, was a frog playing a banjo! And over there, walking towards them up the beach, was a raccoon playing a fiddle! And soon the three strange animals were right in front of Simon and Dudley, and the frog strummed his banjo, and the raccoon fiddled his fiddle, and the great green alligator danced, and they were all having a wonderful time!  Simon and Dudley were flabbergasted, and befuddled, and they just floated, and watched and listened as the alligator danced to tune after tune. And Dudley clapped his flippers, and Simon applauded with his fins, and they thought they had never had so much fun.The music and dancing lasted all afternoon, and the sun was beginning to set when the two musicians and the dancer started to go their separate ways. The frog went back to the swamp, the raccoon trotted off down the beach, and the alligator went into the rocks near the lighthouse.The shark and the dolphin watched them go, and were a little sorry that the wonderful show had to end. And as they watched, they thought about what they had seen.Simon had been thinking especially hard about what had occured. He had seen three very different creatures getting along well, and being the best of friends. He had seen how happy they were together. And he had seen himself floating side by side with a dolphin, both of them enjoying the same music and dancing.Simon thought about how lonely his life was, swimming all alone, with no friends, and being grumpy. He had thought very, very hard about these things. And so, he decided what he must do, and he turned slowly toward the dolphin, and swam very slowly up to him, and began to tell him what he thought.The sun was a brilliant yellow as it came up out of the sea the next morning, and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue. And if someone had been standing on the shore, looking out over the water, they would have seen four fins cutting through the waves. They would have seen three dolphins and a shark, but the shark wasn't chaseing Dudley and his sisters, he was playing with them! For Simon had told Dudley how tired he was of being lonely and grumpy. He told him how badly he wanted some friends. And he told him how wonderful it had been to see the frog, and the raccoon, and the alligator, playing and dancing and being the best of friends. And Simon thought that if three creatures as different as those could do it, well, he and the dolphins could too.Now they all swam together, and played together, and took care of one another, and were very happy. And once in a while, when the sun and the clouds and the sea were just right, they would be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the frog, and the raccoon, and the great green alligator playing and dancing in the sand.This story was told to me by a Red Breasted Hairy Headed Knee Walker that I know. You may not believe him, but I do. I have never known a Red Breasted Hairy Headed Knee Walker to tell a lie!THE END
Answered by yashusri

The Monkey and the Shark

Once upon a time, Kima the monkey, and Papa the shark, became great friends.

The monkey lived in an immense mukuyu tree which grew by the edge of the sea – half of its branches being over the water and half over the land.

Every morning, when the monkey was breakfasting on the kooyoo nuts, the shark would put in an appearance under the tree and call out: “Throw me some food, my friend.” With which request the monkey complied most willingly.

This continued for many months, until one day Papa said: “Kima, you have done me many kindnesses. I would like you to go with me to my home, that I may repay you.”

“How can I go?” said the monkey, “We land beasts can not go about in the water.”

“Don’t trouble yourself about that,” replied the shark. “I will carry you. Not a drop of water shall get to you.”

“Oh, all right then,” said Kima, “let’s go.”

When they had gone about half-way, the shark stopped and said: “You are my friend. I will tell you the truth.”

“Why, what is there to tell?” asked the monkey, with surprise.

“Well, you see, the fact is that our Sultan is very sick, and we have been told that the only medicine that will do him any good is a monkey’s heart.”

“Well,” exclaimed Kima, “you were very foolish not to tell me that before we started!”

“How so?” asked Papa.

But the monkey was busy thinking up some means of saving himself, and made no reply.

“Well?” said the shark, anxiously. “Why don’t you speak?”

“Oh, I’ve nothing to say now. It’s too late. But if you had told me this before we started, I might have brought my heart with me.”

“What? Haven’t you your heart here?”

“Huh!” exclaimed Kima. “Don’t you know about us? When we go out, we leave our hearts in the trees, and go about with only our bodies. But I see you don’t believe me. You think I’m scared. Come on, let’s go to your home where you can kill me and search for my heart in vain.”

The shark did believe him though, and exclaimed: “Oh, no. Let’s go back and get your heart.”

“Indeed, no,” protested Kima. “Let us go on to your home.”

But the shark insisted that they should go back, get the heart, and start afresh.

At last, with great apparent reluctance, the monkey consented, grumbling sulkily at the unnecessary trouble he was being put to.

When they got back to the tree, he climbed up in a great hurry, calling out: “Wait there Papa, my friend, while I get my heart, and we’ll start off properly next time.”

When he had got well up among the branches, he sat down and kept quite still.

After waiting for what he considered a reasonable length of time, the shark called: “Come along, Kima!” But Kima just kept still and said nothing.

In a little while he called again: “Oh, Kima! Let’s be going.”

At this the monkey poked his head out from among the upper branches and asked, in great surprise: “Going? Where?”

“To my home, of course.”

“Are you mad?” queried Kima.

“Mad? Why, what do you mean?” cried Papa.

“What’s the matter with you?” said the monkey. “Do you take me for a washerman’s donkey?”

“Why should you be like the washerman’s donkey?”

“I’m not,” said the monkey. “And I shall tell you the story that explains why.”

And that was the story of The Monkey and the Shark. 

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