Computer Science, asked by adityak4m6le007, 5 months ago

Tell me about a loophole.​


Answered by vaibhaviwangarwar19


A loophole or loop hole is an ambiguity or inadequacy in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the purpose, implied or explicitly stated, of the system. Originally, the word means an arrowslit, a narrow vertical window in a wall through which an archer could shoot.

can u talk on asking question

Answered by patilvaishnavi41980


Jo question vicharla hota to tar sangitla nahi...

pn thanks question ch answer kelya baddal....

mi aajun 5 questions takte ... answer kar karshil tar vote kar ya answer la ...nahi karnar tar only thanls the ok...

Nahi tar ugich question takel aani maze points waya jatil

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