Social Sciences, asked by RiseUP, 1 year ago

tell me about kumaraguptan??


Answered by RiyaSharma01
Chandragupta-II was succeeded by his son Kumaragupta-I, who assumed the title of "Mahendraditya" and enjoyed a long reign of forty years (spreading from 414 to 455 A.D ). He was also a great ruler and was able to keep intact his Empire including the newly acquired provinces of Western India.

Like all other great rulers he performed the "Asvamedha Yanjna" or "Horse-sacrifice" ceremony which was confirmed by "Asvamedha coins". The discovery of his 1395 coins unmistakably confirm his extension towards the South. His period is also regarded as forming part of "the Golden Age" of the Guptas.

His Governor, Panadatta, who was the inchaige of the province of Saurashtra, repaired the damages and saved the people from great calamity.

It shows us that the process of empire building started by Samudragupta was nearly completed so far at least as North India was concerned. The command of Skandagupta was obeyed by his Governors of Bengal and Kathiawar Peninsula.
Answered by Anonymous
Chandragupta II was succeeded by Kumaragupta I, who enjoyed a long reign of some 40 years. He maintained the integrity of the empire. The material evidence suggests that it was a period of peace and plenty, during which art, music, literature and foreign trade flourished all over the kingdom. Towards the end of his reign, the Hunas invaded the north-west frontier of the empire, Kumaragupta's son, Skandagupta defeated the enemy after a fierce struggle.
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