English, asked by FacebookBrainly, 11 months ago

Tell me all figure of speech!​


Answered by Anonymous

\boxed{\red{\bold{\underline{{  Answer  \:    with\:  Explanation  \:  :}}}}}


There are 10 Parts of Speech which is listed Below :-

1. Metaphors

Metaphor is when there is a comparison made between two different thing which share something in common.

E.g. The world is your oyester.

2. Metonymy

Metonymy is when a phrase is replaced with another which has a similar meaning used to describe something in an indirect manner.

E.g. I remain loyal to the Crown.

3. Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is word which resembles the sound it is describing.

E.g. My watch ticks loudly.

4. Oxymoron

Oxymoron is when two words in a phrase contradict one another.

E.g. The girl next door is pretty ugly.

5. Paradox

Paradox is a statement which contradict itselt.

E.g. Deep down Anna is really shallow.

6. Personification

Personification is when an object is not alive is given human qualities.

E.g. My car is a real beauty

7. Pun

A Pun is a play on words , it uses a word to give different sense to the sentence and add a double meaning.

E.g. An egg for breakfast is not easy to beat.

8. Simile

Simile is a phrase which compares something to something else using the words like or as.

E.g. Her hair was as golden as sun.

9. Synecdoche

Synecdoche dog is a statement in which only one part of something is Expressed to relate to the whole.

E.g. He has just got some new wheels.

10. Understatement

Understatement is a statement which is made to be less important then what is actually being conveyed.

E.g. I only have 2 millions dollars.

Answered by Anonymous


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\red {Anthesis}}}}}

  • When two opposite thoughts or ideas are found in a sentence.
  • Anthi = opposite and thesis = thoughts or ideas.

\red\bigstar Example:- (1) Man poses something, god disposes something.

(2) United we stand, divided we fall.

(3) Fools rush in where angles fear to tread.

Let me be rich and weary.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\orange {Oxymoron}}}}}

  • Two opposite words are found together in a sentence.
  • Oxy = opposite and Moron = words.

Example:- (1) My life is an open secret.

(2) She is the wisest fool.

(3) Life is full of aching joys.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\red {\sf {Simile}}}}}

  • It is a direct comparison between two different objects, things, etc. using as/like.

Example:- (1) He is as brave as a lion

(2) This room is as hot as a furnace .

(3)You are a white as snow.

(4) You are like a god to me.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\orange {Metaphore}}}}}

  • It is an implied simile. (Indirect comparison)

Example:- (1) He is a lion.

(2) This room is a furnace.

(3) Two roads diverged into yellow wood.

(4) He is a god.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\red {\sf {Pun}}}}}

  • Plural + One = Pun
  • In this figure of speech one word has two meanings.

Example:- (1) The happiness of life depends in " Liver ".

  • Here live means one who lives.
  • and other meaning is part of stomach.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\orange {Tautology}}}}}

  • In this figure of speech two words have one meaning.

Example:- (1) Sign of the filth and the dirt.

  • Here filth and dirth are synonyms having same meaning.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\red {\sf {Irony}}}}}

  • Positive sentence negative meaning.

Example:- (1) She is so intelligent that wisdom is invisible on the earth.

(2) A fire station burns down.

(3) A police station gets robbed.

(4) A pilot has a fear of heights.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\orange {\sf {Litotes}}}}}

  • Negative sentence positive meaning.

Example:- (1) In leaves no step had trodden back .

(2) The man is no fool .

(3) The ice cream was not too bad.

(4) I cannot disagree with year point of view.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\red {\sf {Anticlimax}}}}}

  • In descending order.

Example:- (1) He was watering plants, buds and leaves.

(2) Ocean, sea, river.

(3) old, adult, baby.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\orange {Climax}}}}}

  • In Ascending order.

Example:- (1) Seed, plant, tree

(2) River, sea, ocean.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\red {Personification}}}}}

  • When human actions are given to non-living things is personification.

Example:- (1) Mountains are smiling.

(2) Roses were telling fairy tales.

(3) The wind howled in the night.

(4) Lightning danced across the sky.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\orange {Transferred \: Epithet}}}}}

  • Human felling is transferred to non-living.

Example:- (1) I sleeped on a restless bad.

(2) He shot a cruel arrow.

(3) She gave him a knowing smile.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\red {Hyperbole}}}}}

  • Hyperbole is an overstatement or exaageration.

Example:- (1) The tea is icy cold.

(2) She wept an ocean of tears.

(3) He runs faster than wind.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\orange {Euphemism}}}}}

  • When a sentence expresses unpleasant, idea etc in less unpleasant manner it is Euphemism.

Example:- (1) He passed away. [passed away = dead]

(2) Negative patient outcome instead of death.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\red {Epigram}}}}}

  • Contradictory idea impossible.

Example:- (1) Child is the father of man.

(2) Art lies in concealing art.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\red {Paradox}}}}}

  • Contradictory idea - possible.

Example:- (1) A teacher must be cruel to be kind.

(2) Truth is honey, which is bitter.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\orange {Synecdoche}}}}}

  • It is substitution of word used as a part for the whole.

Example:- (1) Our heart are peace.

(2) His orchard's his bread.


\large {\boxed {\boxed {\sf {\red {Metonymy}}}}}

  • It is substitution of a name.

Example:- (1) She must address the chair.

(2) He is addicted to the bottle.

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