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1.stomach flu, appendicitis,food poisoning, hepatitis a.
2.The interventions by NGOs, research organisations or government-provided maternal nutrition education, nutrient supplementation of mothers, infants, and children, such as adding zinc or iron, nutrition systems strengthening, or a combination of these.
3.Oral rehydration therapy is a type of fluid replacement used to prevent and treat dehydration, especially due to diarrhea. It involves drinking water with modest amounts of sugar and salts, specifically sodium and potassium. Oral rehydration therapy can also be given by a nasogastric tube.
Children living in slum areas frequently suffer from symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, and loss of appetite is due to the intestinal infections like stomach flu, IBS, etc.
a. Intestine is the target organ for the occurrence of these symptoms. IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and stomach flu are some disorder that affects the intestine shows symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc. Food poisoning which is caused due to having contaminated food by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins also shows these symptoms
b. Children living in slum areas are more susceptible to these illnesses, because they are more malnourished, have very low immunity, suffer from severe dehydration, etc. So improving their living conditions by providing nutrient-rich food, vitamin supplements, pure drinking water, a better hygienic environment, etc. will improve the health status of these children.
c. ORS, Oral Rehydration salt is a special combination of safe water mixed with dry salts. These are used to prevent and treat dehydration mainly caused by diarrhea. Unlike other fluids, it involves the ratio of drinking water with sugar and salts ( especially sodium and potassium) that matches the needs of the body to recover from diarrhoeal illness.