Sociology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Tell me few lines on blue game plz....

Anonymous: it is for debate


Answered by anurag36
Hi bro.
The Blue Whale game or Blue Whale Challenge is believed to be a suicide game in that, a group of administrators or a certain curator gives a participant a task to complete daily — for a period of 50 days — the final of which is the participant committing suicide. Participants are expected to share photos of the challenges/tasks completed by them.

8BIT: I suggest you delete your question
8BIT: As fast as possible
Anonymous: but i have doubt on it bro
8BIT: School project?
Anonymous: yeah
Anonymous: it in in debate
Anonymous: is*
8BIT: Ok... Then edit your question saying for the debate
8BIT: Bye
Anonymous: ok bro
Answered by Technology123
It is the most distrous game , never ever think to play it.
It is a life taker game.
it will give 50 task for 50 days like scratching hands etc
and final task is to sucide.
it washes the brain of a child.

8BIT: I agree.
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