Tell me full answer

i. Energy.
ii. Balanced Diet.
iii. Eating.
iv. Water.
v. Construction of Blood Vessels.
vi. Rickets.
vii. Vitamin C.
viii. 60 Percent.
ix. Vitamin A.
x. Vitamin B-1.
Q. 1 =
A substance that is needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it grow.
Q. 2=
A diet consisting of the proper quantities and proportions of foods needed to maintain health or growth.
Q. 3=
Communicable Diseases :-
Communicable diseases, also known as infectious diseases or transmissible diseases, are illnesses that result from the infection, presence and growth of pathogenic (capable of causing disease) biologic agents in an individual human or other animal host.
Non Communicable Diseases :-
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are one of the major health and development challenges facing us today, and are the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Most NCD deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and mental health and neurological disorders.
I Hope it will help you.
Please mark me as the BRAINLIEST.
1st answer: Energy
2nd answer: balanced
3rd answer : Eating
4th answer : small intestine
5th answer: platelets
6th answer : loss of bone density
7th answer : Vitamin c
8th answer: 60%
9th answer : iron
10th answer : vitamin B 1
Questions and answers
1st answer : Nutrients are compounds in foods essential to life and health , providing us energy , buliding blocks , growth necessary to regulate chemical reactions
2nd answer : A diet consisting of proper quantities and proportions of foods needed to maintain health or growth
3rd answer :
Commicable diseases :
It can be transferred from an infected person to a healthy person
It is caused by pathogenic microorganisms
Examples : Typhoid , cholera etc...
Non commicable diseases :
It cannot be effected from an infected person to an healthy person
It is caused by degeration, nutrition
Examples : Diabetes , Cancer etc...