tell me if these sentences make sense and if there is any grammar mistakes and also tell me the meaning of each sentence

Yes becouse of the... High test that make sense
e crow and fashion pebble by pebble to meet our needs. The source of all water on earth is not the river, is not the underground aquifer, is not the lake, well or stream. Rain is the source of all water. In India the monsoon is a deluge. Rain spatters the earth, fills ponds, brims lakes and heaves rivers. We receive most of its rainfall in just 100 hours out of 8,760 hours in a year. But this is enough to meet our water needs, provide food security and eradicate rural poverty. Cherrapunji which gets the most of rainfall annually today is short of drinking water because it does not capture the rain that falls over it. Questions: 1. Who is the source of all water? 2. How much rainfall do we receive in a yɞṭś ѧяṃʏ