Tell me some Information about Rabbits and main Information of Rabbit
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Rabbits are small mammals with fluffy, short tails, whiskers and distinctive long ears. There are more than 30 species around the world, and while they live in many different environments, they have many things in common. Rabbits and hares are in the same taxonomic family, Leporidae, but they are in different genera.
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Habit and Habitat :
- Rabbits are gentle and timid animals.They show leaping movement and live in burrows. They are distributed throughout the world. They are herbivorous animals feeding on grass and vegetables like turnips, carrots and lettuce. Rabbits are gregarious (moving in groups) animals.
External Morphology :
- It has an elongated and cylindrical body. Males and females are of the same size. They grow about 45 cm in length and weigh about 2.25 kg as adult. The colour varies from white to black and white. Body is covered with fur which serves to keep it warm.
Digestive System :
- The digestive system includes the alimentary canal and the associated digestive glands. The alimentary canal consists of mouth, buccal cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, caecum, large intestine and anus.
Respiratory System :
- Respiration takes place by a pair of lungs, which are light spongy tissues enclosed in the thoracic cavity. The thoracic cavity is bound dorsally by the vertebral column and ventrally by the sternum, laterally by the ribs. On the lower side of the thoracic cavity is the dome shaped diaphragm
Circulatory System :
- The circulatory system is formed of blood, blood vessels and heart. The heart is pear shaped and lies in the thoracic cavity in between the lungs. It is enclosed by pericardium, a double layered membrane.
Nervous System :
- The nervous system in rabbit is formed of the central nervous system (CNS), peripheral nervous system (PNS) and autonomic nervous system (ANS).
Urinogenital System :
- It comprises the urinary or excretory system and the genital or reproductive system. Therefore, they are usually described as urinogenital system in vertebrates.
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