tell me ways of meditation for reading people
You have to maditate for 1 minute
After few days you can meditate for same minutes
How to meditate is focus on your breathing
Do you know scientists have researched that if we kepp on meditating months your brain will grow big.
I think this may help you
Patanjali Yogasutra states that our true self is beyond chitta(mind, intellect and ego). This chitta endulged in chitta vrattis(waves of thought) forgets it's real nature.
You can understand it by the example of a lake. When there is turbulance in the water ,the bottom of the lake can't be seen. When it's calm, the bottom is visible. Same way, when the mind is calm one can connect to self. Meditation helps to settle the waves of thoughts , thus relaxes the mind and gradually connects to consciousness.
Now when you know yourself , you can understand others better. Remember that consciousness of the universe is one , minds are different. Hence once you connect to conscious, you connect to everyone.