Tell me which Planet you would live on using the information below
(Write three paragraphs/Giving 56 points for this)
Planet 1 (closest the star)
Mass: 1.5 (Earth = 1)
Tectonics: Active volcanoes and seismic activity detected.
Atmosphere: CO2, N, and H20
Average Temperature: 651 degrees C Description: Thick clouds surround the planet. No surface is visible through the clouds.
Planet 2
Mass: 0.5
Tectonics: No activity detected.
Atmosphere: Thin CO2 atmosphere detected.
Average Temperature: 10 degrees C Description: Polar ice caps, dry riverbeds, and many craters can be seen from orbit.
Planet 3
Mass: 1
Tectonics: Active volcanoes and seismic activity detected.
Atmosphere: CO2, H20
Temperature: 30 degrees C
Description: Liquid water oceans cover much of the surface. Volcanic island chains make up most of the dry land.
Planet 4
Mass: 1.5
Tectonics: Active volcanoes and seismic activity detected.
Atmosphere: N, O2, and ozone layer Average Temperature: 2 degrees C Description: Cold oceans, covered with ice along much of the globe. Some open water around equator.
Planet 5
Gas Giant with one large moon.
Moon: Sulfur dioxide (SO2) atmosphere. Many volcanoes and hot springs on surface. Temperatures in hot spots can be up to 600 degrees C. Other spots away from volcanic heat can get as low in temperature as 145 degrees C.
Planet 6
Gas giant with four large, rocky satellites (moons). Moons have no appreciable atmosphere. Ice detectable on one.
Planet 7 (furthest from star)
Gas giant with two large moons. Moon 1: Thick methane atmosphere with high enough pressure to keep a potential methane ocean liquid underneath. Temperature: -200 degrees C
Moon 2: Covered in water ice. Ice appears cracked and re-frozen in parts, indicating a potential liquid ocean underneath. Surface temperature -100 degrees C.
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it's looks little possible on Mars
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What is an island? *
1 point
a crack in the Earth's crust.
dark clouds of smoke.
an area of land totally surrounded by water.
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