English, asked by manasiriya2003, 10 months ago

Tell me your opinion regarding the moral of this poem The Snake by DH Lawrence... I have attached mine also..you may check and tell me my mistakes..


THEproGIRL: thx dude


Answered by sahana8049



The poem, Snake, basically depicts  the contradictory aspects of human education and human moral values.

Moral values dictate that all the creatures on the earth have a right to live and hence humans should not torment other organisms. The moral voices in the poet's head told him to stand aside, treat the snake hospitably (like a guest) and not harm it or try to kill it.

But human education contradicts this belief. The education instructs us to destroy certain creatures in order to lead a safe life. In the poem, the poet was forced by the voices of his human education to attack the god-like snake, unprovoked.

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