Tell the 8 kinds of adverb .
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Types of Adverbs :-
- Adverb of manner
- Adverb of frequency
- Adverb of time and place
- Adverb of degree
- Adverb of relative time
- Adverb of quantity
- Adverb that focus
- Adverbs that function as attitude markers
More to know :-
- A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. (e.g., gently, quite, then, there ).
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8 kinds of adverb ☞
✯adverbs of time.example =now
✯adverbs of place.example=here
✯adverbs of manner.example=loudly
✯adverbs of degree.example=best
✯adverbs of frequency.example=Everyday
✯Adverbs of comment example = Happily
✯ Adverbs of Conjunction example = However
✯Adverbs of confirmation and Negation. example = Certainly.
more information :
✷Adverb ⤵️
A word that adds more information about place , time , manner , cause or degree to a verb ,an adjective , a phrase or another adverb .
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