Math, asked by DaRkShAdOw666, 1 year ago

Tell the answer for the above question



Answered by A00
the above statement is correct

DaRkShAdOw666: bro can you tell me how?
A00: taking union 1/4 is nothing but including it into the range of x so when we include 1/4, big brackett comes which means taking 1/4 into the range of x
DaRkShAdOw666: but what if its "intersection" instead of union?
A00: if there is intersection, you have to leave 1/4
DaRkShAdOw666: ohh!
DaRkShAdOw666: thank you so much bro!
DaRkShAdOw666: bro but intersection means "and" whereas Union means "or"
DaRkShAdOw666: so we should include 1/4 when its intersection na?
A00: you cant include bcz 1/4 is not in first set, look there is small brackett after 1/4 in first set means 1/4 is not in first set and present in second set as {1/4}. so intersection of both set is null
DaRkShAdOw666: thank you so much broooo you are a genius!
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