Tell us something about yourself - your interests, why you are learning that language, etc
I am Thomas Sebastian. My age is 14 years and studying in 9th standard.
I am living in Kerala(God's own Country) . My hobbies are just playing.
I want to become a doctor.
hope this helps u
follow me
1. My favorite cuisine is ___, especially ___.
2. The hobby that I could never give up is ___.
3. My favorite season is ___ because ___.
4. I have seen [insert favorite movie] [insert number] times.
5. I support [insert sports team] and have done since I was [insert age].
6. My favorite ice cream flavor is ___.
7. My non-alcoholic drink of choice is ___.
8. My alcoholic drink of choice is ___.
9. The thing I find most attractive in a person is ___.
10. I mostly listen to ___ music.
‘Dislike’ Facts
11. I’m allergic to ___.
12. My pet peeve is ___.
13. I hate the smell of ___.
14. I’m most scared of ___.
15. I can’t stand the sound of ___.
16. People who [insert behavior or trait]really annoy me.
17. I don’t like how ___ feels to touch.
18. The most boring sport to watch is ___.
19. The word that most irritates me is ___.
20. The most stressful thing for me is ___.
Talent Facts
21. I can play the [insert instrument].
22. I can speak ___ languages and ___ was the hardest to learn.
23. I can cook the most amazing ___.
24. I once [insert some amazing feat of skill or endurance].
25. I once made a ___ from scratch.
26. I can do a really good ___ accent. (Then proceed to prove it.)
27. I once wrote a book/short story about ___.
28. I can [insert something unusual you can do with your body].
29. I once played ___ in my school production of ___.
30. I ___ better than most people.
Travel Facts
31. I have visited ___ countries in my life.
32. My favorite country so far is ___.
33. I first traveled solo when I was ___.
34. The scariest moment of my travels was when ___.
35. The most amazing place I’ve ever been is ___ because it ___.
36. My next trip is to ___.
37. I love travel so much because ___.
38. The one thing I always take on my travels is my ___.
39. When I go on an adventure, I like to [plan the whole thing / make it up as I go – delete as necessary].
40. The most remote place I have ever been to is ___.
Family Facts
41. I have ___ siblings.
42. I am the [eldest/middle/youngest] child in my family.
43. My [brother(s)/sister(s)] taught me that ___.
44. I have ___ dogs/cats/hamsters/snakes/etc. Their names are ___.
45. My fondest childhood family memory is ___.
46. I have been with my spouse/partner for ___ years.
47. We have ___ children. Their names are ___.
48. My parents/grandparents emigrated here in ___ from ___.
49. When I was ___, I [insert funny story about your childhood].
50. My family name means ___. (you can look up your surname here)