Physics, asked by osheajarrett2005, 8 months ago

Ten 1.5v cells, each having an internal resistance of 0.2 ohms , are connected in series to a load of 58 ohms . Determine (a) the current flowing in the circuit and (b) the p.d at the battery terminal


Answered by SiddharthAmrutkar


If the circuit has 4ohms resistance total, then we have an external resistance of 3ohm (3 + 5(.2)=4). If you meant to ask about the total resistance with 4 ohms external to the batteries, then add the resistance of the batteries (4 + 5(.2) = 5) to get 5 ohms. If you are asking about the current running through the cirrcuit, (I'll assume we have 4 ohms plus battery internal resistances for the example's sake) simply divide total emf (aka voltage in most applications of the term) by the total resistance (5(2)÷5 = 2amps).

If you meant the question verbatim, then the question itself contains the answer (4 ohms connected to the batteries means that there is only 4 ohms external to the batteries).

Let me know if you meant something else. Ask your professor/instructor about the wording on the question. He may have half-assed an assignment or study guide, and has no clue about the botched question. Happened to me all the time when I had a research-addicted professor (or the one I swear was half-baked when he lectured; he lectured well, though).

Answered by Anonymous

Total Resistance = 58 + 0.2 ohms = 58.2 ohms

(i) So Current =


 =  \frac{10 \times 1.5}{58.2}

 = 0.258A

and that's the answer.

Hope it helps

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