Ten persons are sitting in two parallel rows such that five persons sit in each row and each person directly faces another person in the opposite row. A, B, C, D & E are facing the north direction , not necessarily in the same order. P, Q, R, S and T are facing the south direction , not necessarily in the same order.S sits third to the left off P.A faces an immediate neighbour of S.C sits second to the right of A.Only 1 person sits between Band D. Q and T are immediate neighbours . T does not face A and B.
i) How many persons are seated between B and E
ii) Who faces D
iii) who two are sitting in the middle of the two rows.
Answered by
r q p s t
c d b e a
Step-by-step explanation:
d sits third to the left of a
p faces immediate neghibour of D
r is second to the right of p
b and e are immediate neghiboursof each other
e doesn't face p and q c will seat near d at extreme end
only one person sit between q and s
t will face a at extreme end
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