English, asked by anshikasingh9982, 5 months ago

ten sentence about mini nature


Answered by mishrashalo5


Everything that we see and feel around us such as trees, plants, animals, the aroma of flowers, the sweetness of fruit, and any other products that are manufactured by the earth is collectively called Nature. It’s a non-returnable blessing to mankind. Nature can also be mentioned as the phenomenon which takes place around us daily like the flowing of water, the sense of cold air, and the birds chirruping we hear. Healthy and wealthy nature is very important for the well-being of humans. However, it can also show you its worst negative side. If you want the best from nature, just give it the best you can.

You can read more 10 Lines about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Nature for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Nature is what we see and feel around us.

Nature is like our mother who never scolds us unless we do anything wrong.

I am happy to interact with nature and also happy to be a part of this earth.

The nature is very attractive and full of my favorite green color.

It provides us the air to breathe, the water to drink, the soil to make a home, and the land to stay.

Nature gives us fruits, vegetables, and grains to eat.

Answered by ajmalzain2005


day is a miniature of eternity.

Some parents dress their children like miniature adults.

The child was playing with his miniature train.

He's giving a party in miniature on his birthday.

A miniature railway runs around the park. ...

He looked like a miniature version of his father.

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