English, asked by MinecraftKrish, 5 months ago


They ____ (play ) cricket daily

I ____ (go) to market every sunday

Listen some body ___ (knock) my friend door

P. M ___ (visit) America within short period.

Look! The old man ___. (walk)across the road

I ____ Just ___ (finish ) my work
Lakshmi _____. (sing) a song now
Don't disturb me,I ___ (write). Examination now.

I ____ (finish) My work tomorrow.

Mybrother ____. (live ) in Madras since 1970

Active voice to Passive voice

He has eaten all the apples

I have completed my work

Who wrote the Ramayana

Open the door

Close the window

My father write a letter to his father

Columbus discovered America

Who invented radio

Rahul has painted all these pictures

please tell the answers for this questions ​


Answered by ananya1368




Is knocking

Has visited

Is walking

Had, just

Is Sing

Am writing

Have to finish

Has been living

All The apples have been eaten by him

My work has been completed by me.

Ramayana was written by whom

The door should be opened

The window should be closed.

A letter is written by my father to his father.

America was discovered by Columbus

Radio was invented by whom.

All these pictures has been painted by rahul


Hope it helps...


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