কোন গাছকে Terror of Bengal বলা হয়?
Water Hyacinth or কচুরিপানা is called the terror of Bengal.
Fish is the supplement food in Bengal. People also treat fish a the symbol of worship. Water hyacinth is powerful in utilizing and consuming aquatic nutrients and solar energy for the purpose of biomass production. This leads to a decline in a number of fishes and people face scarcity of fish. Due to this scarcity of fish in Bengal caused by water hyacinth or Eichhornia crassipes, the water hyacinth is also called Terror of Bengal.
water hyacinth is know as teror of bengal.
it is due to vegetavive propules known as 'offsets'. It drains oxygen from water and it becomes difficult for fishes to breath and causes death,also it can propagate at phenomenal rate and it becomes difficult to get rid of it. As fishes are traditionally commmon in bengal it's known as teror of bengal also it's an invasive weeds and grows in standing water