English, asked by ri1moakshijanavy, 1 year ago

Terrorism is great enemy afflicting the entire world. Give your views


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                          Terrorism : The Common Enemy of the World

There has been a spate of terrorist attacks in India as well as other countries in the recent past. Attacks such as daily terrorist attacks in Kashmir, Nagaland, Assam, Charlie Hebdo Attack in Paris in January 2015, Paris Attack in November  2015, Brussels Bombings in 2016, Nice Terror Attack in July 2016, etc. are the most conspicuous incidents that make it appear as if terrorism is on the increase! But the truth is, the dying snake makes all the desperate attempts to hurt back its vanquisher.

Well, there is no denying the fact the danger of terrorist attacks always hangs like a sword of Damocles, but still the counter-terror measures are more potent than the terror. Terrorists are being vanquished in all parts of the world. People, who endorsed terrorism, have either been brought to justice or are being chased and hunted fiercely for bringing them to justice. Osama Bin Laden has been eliminated; all his aides have either been arrested or killed in counter terror operations. All the advanced countries are waging fierce war against terror. ISIS, the most dangerous terror organization is being fought successfully in Iraq and Syria. Even in India, security forces are at their highest alert to crush incidents of terrorism. Though terrorists manage to inflict injuries on mankind through suicide attacks, the security forces are trying their best to stem even such odd attacks.

The youth can play a very crucial role in fighting against the menace of terrorism. Terrorist organizations target the youth by religious indoctrination. They try to brainwash them and carry out heinous terrorist acts against mankind. The youth can avert these attacks by refusing to be brainwashed and indoctrinated. The youth can develop a vaster outlook on life and considering the entire mankind just one big family join hands against the terrorists. It has been seen that most of the terrorists are misguided youngsters.

The duty of the elders and people concerned with the security of the world is to handle the youth very carefully. The youth needs to be kept safe from the heinous influences of terrorist agencies. The youth also needs to be involved in the crusade against terrorism worldwide. The entire mankind must join hands and launch a concerted crusade against this evil.

Anonymous: great answer sir!!
upenderjoshi28: Thanks dear Shati...
Anonymous: Sir ur answers are osm n helps me to know more deeply about the topic n i am sure i will improve my vocabulary by referring ur answer's!
upenderjoshi28: I am glad that you find my answers helpful..
upenderjoshi28: Yes mindful reading improves many skills such as vocabulary, imagination, knowledge, information, etc....
shashidharybhat: Sir your answers are exceptional but I think that your essays have a bit of non-expressive Introduction.
Answered by Sudhalatwal
Terrorism - An Enemy of the World

Today, the entire world is facing a threat, i.e. terrorism which is increasing like cancerous cells. Tracing the tracks of terrorism is next to impossible, for it has always existed in one form or the other. What demons stood for once, terrorists denote that today. Death and destruction are so common to terrorists as it used to be in the case of demons. The grave problem that the world is facing is how to curb this problem.

Terrorism is characterized by violence with some political objectives. It is very often targetted at public and perpetrated by supporting a nation or nations of terrorism. Some of the terrorist groups are fighting for control over some pieces of land, others are fighting for spreading their own ideology or religious philosophies. They think that their own viewpoint is the only right view point and that they have a right to convert other people to their thinking by force. They do not hesitate from committing the worst of crimes.

Many terrorist organizations have been identified, to name a few, LTTE in Sri Lanka, Maoists in Nepal, Lashkar-e-Toiba based in Pakistan...and the list goes on. They have their own training centers where they catch hold of young boys and indoctrinate them in subtle ways through guile, treachery, temptation and money and brainwash them to carry out their heinous activities.

The UNO has called upon various nations to join hands and work at United Alliance to face this threat of terrorism anywhere at any time in the world.

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