English, asked by loveangle1, 1 year ago

Test 251,76,630 and 1251 for divisibility by 2,3,5,and 10​


Answered by Ashvi12
Rule of 2:
Any no is divisible by 2 if the last digit is 0,2,4,6,8 hence 25176630 is divisible by 2 and1251 is not divisible

Rule of 3:
If sum of all digits of a no is divisible by 3 then the whole no is divisible by 3 hence 2+5+1+7+6+6+3+0=30 ; 30 is divisible by 3 so 25176630 it is divisible
1+2+5+1 =9 ;9 is divisible hence 1251 is divisible

Rule of 5:
If any no Ends with 0 or 5 then it is divisible by 5 therefore 1st no is divisible and 1251 is not divisible by 5

Rule of 10 :
Any no ends with 0 then it is divisible by 10 hence 25176630 is divisible and 1251 is not divisible
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