test paper solve it ?
Q1) (i) In the first stanza, the poet suggests that no human being is strange or different. Beneath the superficial surface of our bodies, we all have similar hearts, minds and souls. We all breathe and live in a similar manner. The earth is our common asset and one day we all shall die and be buried in the same way.
(ii) George and Harris offered to pack the hampers because it was getting late and they thought that they should do the rest of the packing. They also wanted to show off their packing skills to Jerome.
(iii) No, a "Simple job of the Knife" can't kill a tree.
because the cutting point will heal soon and from there curl green twings means new leaves and branches will come out which will soon become a huge tree.
(iv) He did this by persuading them to start working to start working in the food - for - work programme started by an NGO.
(v) Behrman was a sixty year old painter. His lifelong dream was to paint a masterpiece. It does come true when he paints a leaf such that it looks extremely natural. He painted the last leaf left on a creeper.
Q2) (i) Johnsy was suffering from pneumonia. The doctor said that she seemed to have made up her mind that she was not going to get well. Medicines would not be able to cure her. She could only be cured by her willingness to live.
(ii) The super cyclone devastated everything in Orissa. Houses were destroyed, people lost their families, belongings and source of sustenance. Any natural calamity apparently damages physical things. But deep inside it wreaks a psychological damage on a larger scale. Think about the plight of a village folk who loses everything and may not be able to understand where to get his next meal from. The scar of losing every hope in life has a lifelong effect on people. From there it becomes very difficult to bring the life back on rail.
(iii) Montmorency’s ambition in life is to interfere with others and be abused. He wants to be a perfect nuisance and make people mad. If things are thrown at his head, he feels his day has not been wasted. To get somebody to stumble over him, and curse him steadily for an hour is his highest aim and object. He came and sat on things, just when they were going to be packed. He put his leg into the jam and worried the teaspoons and pretended that lemons were rats and got into the hamper and killed three of them.
It is the natural, original sin that is bom in him that makes him do things like that.
(iv) (a) The poet says 'No' to emphasise on the fact that mere chopping and hacking will not kill the tree. It would grow again and retain his original size.
(b) The root should be pulled out to kill the tree.
(c) Anchoring earth means that the roots fixed to the earth strongly like an anchor.
Q3) (i) Prashant and other volunteers resist the plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows because they believed that in such institutions children will grow up without love and affection and widows would suffer from stigma and loneliness. Instead Prashant and his group suggested that the children and widows should be resettled in their own community where they can get a homely environment. To create a sense of belongingness and to foster love and affection they planned to complement the needs of orphaned and childless people. They brought them under one roof to heal their mental wounds.
(ii) Yes the feeling of depression Johnsy has is very common among teenagers. Because of the present lifestyle teenagers are under constant pressure to outperform in every field. They are burdened with studies and the anxiety of future. They are also subjected to a lot of parental and peer pressure. Along with all this they are also expected to behave in a certain manner as deemed appropriate by the society. Most of the times they are unable to bear so much of stress and end up being depressed.