Math, asked by pavansarvesh007, 9 months ago

test the divisibility of the 17322 by 6​


Answered by haridasan85


The number is an even it is

divisible by 2

The sum of digits is 15 This is divisible by 3

Hence the number given is divisible

by 6

Answered by art9440669931

Step-by-step explanation:

6 divisibility rule is it should satisfy the divisibility rule of 2 and 3

i) 2

As the number ends with 2 it is divisible by 2 amd 17322 is divisible by w

ii) 3

1+7+3+2+2 = 15

As 15 is divisible by three 17322 is divisible by 3

Therefore, 17322 is divisible by 6

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