Test your
a. primitives
Tick the correct option.
. In MSW Logo, commands and instructions are called
b. methods
The bottom part of the turtle is called
a. head of the turtle
O b. tail of the turtle
hich of the following is used to run the commands?
Execute button
b. Halt button
The turtle represents a cursor in LOGO. It show the position on the screen where your instructions will be carried out. The turtle moves on the screen according to the instructions given to it and these instructions are called as commands or primitives.MSWLogo is a programming language which is interpreted, based on the language Logo, with a graphical user interface (GUI) front end. It was developed by George Mills at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Its core is the same as UCBLogo by Brian Harvey. It is free and open-source software, with source code available, in Borland C++.
MSWLogo supports multiple turtle graphics, 3D computer graphics, and allows input from ports COM and LPT. It also supports a windows interface, so input/output (I/O) is available through this GUI, and keyboard and mouse events can trigger interrupts. Simple GIF animations may also be produced on MSWLogo version 6.5 with the command gifsave. The program is also used as educational software. Jim Muller wrote The Great Logo Adventure, a complete Logo manual using MSWLogo as the demonstration language.
MSWLogo has evolved into FMSLogo: An