.define capacitor and it's all types and what is the use of it in circuit
A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field .The effect of a capacitor is known as capacitance.
It was invented by Ewald Georg Von Kleist
Its function is to store the electrical energy and give it to the circuit whenever necessary.
define capacitor :
The ability to conductor to store an electric charge and electric potential energy is called capacitance of capacitor
types of capacitor :
1)Parallel plate capacitors
-It consist of two parallel plates conductors separated by distance having a great (k) dielectric constant
-Those conductors having negative charge or inner side or at outer side
2)Spherical capacitor
-spherical capacitor consist of two concentric sphere having radii (a) and(b)
-the outer sphere of inner sphere is positive charged and outer sphere capacitor of inner sphere having negative charge
-outer surface of outer sphere is earthed
-the medium between two spheres of permitivity is (r)
3)Cylindrical capacitor
-cylindrical capacitor consist of two co-axial cylinder of radius (a) and(b)respectively.outer surface of inner cylinder is positive charged
-inner surface of outer cylinder is negative charged
outer surface of inner cylinder is earthed
-medium of permitivity between two cylinder is (r)
Role of capacitor in circuit :
it stores the energy when the electric supply is occured in circuit