English, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago



Write a story based on the given outlines.

Two women -- claim the same child -- no witness -- difficult to decide -- go to the king -- demand justice -- child to be cut in two parts -- the first woman quiet -- the second woman falls at the king's feet -- prays, don't cut -- agrees to give up the child -- king's judgment -- the second women, the real mother -- the other woman punished -- sent to jail.



Answered by ItzNavLoey




⠀⠀⠀Once there arose a dispute between two women. Both of them claimed the same child. One said that she was the child's real mother. The other said," No, you are a liar. I gave birth to the child. " There was no one who could stand as witness for either of them. So it was very difficult to settle the dispute.

⠀⠀⠀Both of them agreed to go to the king for justice. The king was very wise. He heard their statements. Each of them claimed to be child's mother. At last the king said," There can be only one solution to your problem. The child should be cut in two halves. Each of you can have half the child. "

⠀⠀⠀One hearing this, one of the woman kept quiet. But the other one began to weep bitterly. She fell at the king's feet. She requested him not to divide the child. She was willing to give up her claim. She said," My lord, give the child to this woman but don't cut it. " This affection was a clear proof that she was the child's real mother.

⠀⠀⠀The king gave his judgment. The child was given to its real mother. The other woman was sent to jail for her wickedness.


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Answered by manasranjanbiswal87


Once upon a time, there was a king. The king was famous for his wit. He was very intelligent. Such was an incident. Once there was a small infant. Two women were saught fighting for that child. This news reached to king and the king called them to the darbar. The women went there. After a long debate the king concluded that the decision is very difficult so the child is to be symmetrically cut into two parts and would be divided between them. The first women kept quite but the second women felt on King's feet and she started crying. She kept praying that don't cut my child. The king immediately called the soldiers and imprisoned the first one. He concluded that the second woman is the mother.

Moral of the story- Mother's feeling towards child doesn't need any test it's reflected on her face.

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