what are the differences between the role of the S.H.O and the magistrate?
The SHO holds the rank of inspector or sub-inspector. In India, the law permits a station house officer to conduct the investigation of crimes. 1) Magistrate is higher post who administrate the law...
What are the differences between the role of the S.H.O. and the magistrate?
Class 8th
AP - Social Studies
15. Law and Justice - A Case Study
S.H.O. or Station House officer is the head of the police station in a town or city. An FIR in a police station is addressed to the SHO of the police station. His signatures are necessary to enter a complaint into the register of the police station.
The Magistrate has the judicial powers who administers the law in a town or city. After FIR is lodged into the police station, police investigate about the complaint and summon the accused in front of judicial magistrate.