Psychology, asked by Anonymous, 12 hours ago

\huge\bold\red{Question :-}
Write a letter to god expressing your feelings in a sincere be about whatever you want to say to him.

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Answered by sukhdeepkhera0127

Before starting, I want to tell you that I have 2 theories.

They are:

1) There is no God.

2) There is God but not as humans describe Him. I mean there are different religions, different names for God, some people believe in one God and some in many. But no one really knows the truth.

Now, I will right this letter assuming that 2nd theory is correct.

And, I won't be able to write it in its typical way. But to contact God you don't need to write the letter in the typical way, right?

And He might read it. He's everywhere so... maybe He does have a secret brainly account. Or maybe He doesn't even need an account. Anyways, it will be a good way to contact Him.


Dear God,

Hope you get the letter and thank you for taking a few moments from your precious time to read my letter. I would like to thank you for caring about me, supporting me in the hard times when I'm alone, being with me and guiding me. We praise things only when we have to work hard for them. So thank you for putting obstacles in my journey and giving me strength to fight them and keep going.

I never saw you but I always felt your presence around me. You always knew what is right for me. You always knew what is bad for me. You always listened to my cries. You always showed me the way out of the darkness.

God, your creation is perfect. Everything you created is a masterpiece. Thank you for this good life, and forgive me if I do not love it enough.

I don't really have anything to ask for as you have already given me the best I deserve. But I would like to ask for the betterment of the society. Hope they learn to live in harmony and help each other and may everyone live happily. Forgive me for my mistakes.

No wait, I do have something to wish for myself. I wish BȚS have a concert in Delhi, India. But more importantly, help me to convince my parents to allow me to go there. Even if it's expensive >_< \huge\mathtt\purple{♡}

And can I ask for one more thing? Please teach me self love.

Yeah, that's it. Nothing else. You obviously know better. I would be happy with your decision. But still... concert is like... you know.

I'm really believing that you'll read this.

Thank you God for everything.



And the last paragraph[written between the diamonds.] was personal. So ommit that and you can write about something you want. Even if you don't want to write it, the rest of the letter will be perfectly fine.


Figure out the address on your own.

Answered by Aaradhyamishra2012

I know you would be surprised seeing me address you through this letter. Usually you find me in a different set-up where I have a bell and joss sticks in my hand and you sit decorated in the beautiful temple of my house. That set-up is more formal and elaborate. This one is more real and gives me a chance to write my heart out.

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