Physics, asked by LittleNaughtyBOY, 1 year ago

 \huge{ \boxed{ \mathfrak{ \green{ \star{Question  : }}}}}

\red{Was Jesus Really Crusified ? Explain.}

[No Spam.
No Copying becz I read all Google answers.I want Answer frm Bible]​


Answered by Anonymous



Yepp, Jesus was indeed crucified along with two other prisoners.

This was ordered by the Jewish State admistators.

Jesus was also made to wear a spiked chain on his head.

The blood that flowed from Jesus is also mentioned as the 'Holy Blood'.

Jesus favoured his own crucification, as in order to curve out the sins of humans so that they donot get punished by God himself.



Answered by KINGofDEVIL

 \huge \boxed{\mathbb \green {{ \overline{ \underline{ANSWER}}}}}

Yes, this is of the the big misconception not only among the Non-Christians but also among the Christians that Jeses was Crusified.

So, was he really crusified ?

Today I am going to say it on the basis of Bible and Jesus Himself.

Most of the people thinks that Jesus was Crusified just because the Church tells them but if we follow the saying of Jesus in the Red Letter Bible we can find Jesus Christ was not Crusified.


There are many proofs in the Bible from where we can prove Jesus was not Crusified.

Here, I am discussing on the proof.

When the people asked Jesus show us some signs about the miracles. Jesus replied to them.

Its mention in Gospel of Methew, Ch - 12, Verse - 38 that Jesus is saying " No sign shall be given to you, except the sign of Jonah, for as Jonah was three days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish so shall the son of man will be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the Earth."

So, this is the clear cut statement where Jesus himself said as Jonah was in the belly of the fish so shall be I in the heart of the Earth, and if we read the Book of Jonah we can find Jonah was Allive during these 3 days and 3 nights. So, to fullfil the profecies Jesus has to be allive after he putted down to the cross and he was allive.

He was assumed to be dead, the Roman Soilders thought he was dead but actually he was not.

So, if we follow the saying of Jesus Christ in the Bible nowhere in the Bible its mention that he was crusified.

There are also many other proofs of showing that he wasn't crusified.

#AnswerwithQuality #BAL

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