define death ?
In my own words:-
Death is end of our life, it is permanent. If our heart or brain dies we die.
Pardon me, as I am very young to answer this question. If you won’t agree with my views, ping me or suggest me to make it better.
There 2 are two hands, two legs, two eyes and two ears, one signifying your birth and one signifying your death and your one nose in the axis of symmetry of all life and death which governs all these by breathing. In philosophy, breathing is the way, how you lead your life. If you breathe fast, you are struggling, you have fear for tomorrow, you are in pain and if you breath slowly, then you are relaxed, in comfort, happy.
It reminds me the words of the poet Williams Blake,
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity for an hour.
You know, what eternity really means? It is a state to which time has no existence; timelessness. Figure out then, how eternity is for an hour?
Death is just a destruction for a better palace tomorrow.
Another view of death
A lot of philosophy I drew. So, now it’s engineering way of describing.
Life is a bucket of water and it evaporates. You can’t control the evaporation. It will come to an end, any day. Even, you don’t know when will it come to an end. Such is ‘death’.
Now think of being in a sea, evaporation occur but will it come to an end a day? No! Such is our world. Some buckets of salty water may get evaporated like is ‘death’, however, some fresh water again come so as ‘birth’ to the earth. It may again be salty in the sea water or may help the world in planting a tree.
PS: Every word I said have a deep knowledge of beauty. Do have a read. :)