How to get Maths Aryabhatta??
If one are being an expert in a particular subject, Our mods will come to an understanding.l.e,lf anyone is great in any subject, With 250+ answers and also with 30 brainliests for their answers,They will be allowed to be special person according to that rank.
For example, if you got more than 30+ brainliest answers in maths, You Get "Maths aryabhatta" rank.
If you are really good in biology by getting 30+ brainliest answers, You'll be a "Biology Darwin".
If your really awesome in Hindi by getting 30+ brainliest answers, You can get "HINDI KABEER" rank.
Like this,If you are really skilled in any subject by getting more than 30 brainliest answers, You can get special ranks by Our moderators like praneethw..etc
I hope you have helped with this answer.
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By filling the form XD ______