➜Would you rather know all the languages in the world, or know how to play all the instruments?
➜If you could breed a hybrid animal of any two species, what would you choose?
➜If you could really sell your soul to the Devil, what would you sell it for?
➜Is the legend of King Arthur's sword, the Excalibur, for real? If yes, where does the sword lie now? Is the sword of the Bosnian river really the Excalibur as people claim it to be?
➜How many chickens would it take to kill a T-Rex?
➜Which Stephen King's novel do you find the most spine-chilling? I believe the Black House is the most intense!!
➜If global warming puts us in danger through temperature rise, and volcanoes put us into danger of global cooling, shouldn't these two dangers balance each other out? Or is it a weird thought?
➜Prior to 1828, why did many Americans feel that their voices weren’t being heard in the political system? Why did these voters support Jackson?
1.Would you rather know all the languages in the world
2.a)cat b)dog
3) would sell it for magical class at my superiority.
4) without chicken
5.I hate reading novels
6.umm the logic is valid but they don't in reality.
global warming is a continuous process whereas volcanic erruptions are abrupt volcanic erruptions can bring a change in the climatic conditions but it is localised hence this can be considered a weird thought
7.turning point in American political history occurred in 1828,when Andrew Jackson was elected over the incumbent John Quincy Adams. ... Supporters of Jackson called themselves Democrats or the Democracy, giving birth to the Democratic Party and thus inaugurating the Second Party System.
# It's according to my views so there may be chance of being wrong