Biology, asked by super15, 1 year ago

\huge {\mathcal{\green {What~is~Meiosis}}}


Answered by Anonymous

\huge{\mathcal{\green{Heya\: Dost!!}}}



~ meiosis is a type of cell division in which the number of chromosomes is reduced to half in the daughter cells.


Due to this no. of chromosome are halved in parent cells.....

~ Meiosis is responsible for continuing the race of generation. Meiosis help in the formation of the gametes. Due to the crossing over in prophase I genetic variations occur......

Different stages

~ The first stage of meiosis is where the crossing over takes place.

~ In Prophase 1, the homologous chromosomes interchange genetic materials to enhance genetic variations. Then the homologous chromosomes line up at the equatorial plate at Metaphase 2 and gets separated. Then they arrive at the two poles and are separated.

~ Meiosis incorporates of two divisions, meiosis I and Meiosis II, which arise one after the alternative with a brief or no interphase in among them.

~ Meiosis I:it's far the reductional or heterotypic cell department comprising of following 4 levels on the idea of different chromosomal activities.

\huge\red {Prophase I} :it is of longest duration and divided similarly into 5 stages on the premise of chromosomal and molecular occasions.

(i) Leptotene (skinny thread stage):right here nuclear chromatins begin condensing longitudinally and the suggestions of all condensing chromosomes flow to a point on nuclear membrane to form a bouquet.

(ii) Zygotene (yolked thread stage): Homologous chromosomes pair(synapsis) to shape bivalents (two chromosomes with 4 chromatids) with the assist of synaptonemal complex.

(iii) Pachytene (thick thread degree): Condensation continues and trade of segments takes place among non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes with the aid of the method called crossing over with the formation and assist of recombination nodules. factors of exchange are called chiasmata.

iv) Diplotene (double thread stage) : Nuclear membrane and nucleolus begin disappearing. Desynapsis of homologous chromosomes starts and chiasmata start transferring in the direction of the ends of bivalents (terminalization).

v) Diakinesis : entire disappearance of nuclear membrane and nucleolus, maximum terminalization and beginning of spindle formation.

\huge\red{Metaphase I}:Bivalents move towards equator and set up on metaphase plate with their arms lying at the plate and centromeres pointing in the direction of poles (courtroom-orientation).

\huge\red{Anaphase I}:Homologous separate (disjunction) and move in the direction of opposite poles by the action of spindle.

\huge\red{Telophase I}:keeping apart chromosomes (each with chromatids) every the other poles, they elongate to shape chromatin network and nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear. hence, haploid nuclei are fashioned.

~ Meiosis II:-It's miles equational and homotypic cell department, inclusive of following 4 stages:

\huge\red{ Prophase II}:It entails longitudinal condensation of chromatic fibres, disappearance of nuclear membrane and nucleolus and formation of bipolar spindle.

\huge\red{Metaphase II}:Chromosomes move and set up in metaphase plates(perpendicular to metaphase I plate) with their centromeres lying on metaphase plate and fingers pointing closer to poles(car-orientation).

\huge\red{Anaphase II}:This includes splitting of centromere and motion of daughter chromosomes towards opposite poles with the help of spindle.

\huge\red{Telophase II}:4 companies of chromosomes attain the respective poles and elongate to form chromatin network. Nuclear membrane and neucleoli reappear, forming four haploid and genetically distinct nuclei.

{Cytokinesis:}it's miles the process of department of cytoplasm which may additionally arise once after meiosis I and again after meiosis II (successive type) or both can also occur after meiosis II (simultaneous type).

☺!! Thanks #Super15 ❤

Answered by SainaPaswan


Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetic information. These cells are our sex cells – sperm in males, eggs in females. During meiosis one cell? divides twice to form four daughter cells.

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