Give me notes about " Nemathelminthes "
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Notes about"Nemathelminthes " is given above
Nemathelminthes is composed of two words i.e. nematos which means thread and helminthes which means worm. They are also known as Aschelminthes.
They are free living, terrestrial and majority are parasites (endoparasite).
The free living form of Aschelminthes is Rhabditis.
Body form: They are elongated and cylindrical and tapered at both ends. The members of aschelminthes are commonly called as roundworms due to the cylindrical body and nematodes due to thread like body.
Symmetry:They exhibit bilateral symmetry.
Level of Organization: They exhibit organ level of organization.
Coelom: They are pseudo coelomates.
True body cavity is absent due to scattered pouches of mesoderm.
Germ layer: They are triploblastic animals.
Digestion: Digestive system is complete and the process is extracellular. Digestive system is well developed with muscular farings.
Excretion: The excretion takes place by excretory pores.
Nervous System: Nervous system is ventral in position and well developed
Reproduction: Sexes are separate.(unisexual or dioecious)
Sexual Dimorphism is present.
Fertilization is internal.
Development may be direct or indirect.
Ascaris Lumbricoides [Round worm]
Wucheraria Vancrofti [Filarial worm]
Ancyclostoma [Hook worm].