CBSE BOARD XII, asked by Stylishboyyyyyyy, 1 year ago

\huge{\mathfrak{Hello !!!}}

1. What Are Two Types of Ranks in Brainly?
2. What Are Special Rank and How can I have them?


\sf \large {Note :}

• Don't Spam.
• Want Right Answer.



Answered by GhaintMunda45

Brainly Ranks

Common Ranks :

▪ Beginner : It is the starting rank in brainly with zero points and 0 brainliest answers.

▪ Apprentice : It is the regular rank in brainly with seventy points and zero brainliest answers.

▪ Rising Star : It is the regular rank in brainly with eighty five points and zero brainliest answers.

▪ Helping Hand : It is the regular rank in brainly with one hundred points and zero brainliest answers.

▪ Ambitious : It is the regular rank in brainly with two hundred fifty points and zero brainliest answers.

▪ Virtuoso : It is the regular rank in brainly with five hundred points and five brainliest answers.

▪ Expert : It is the regular rank in brainly with one thousand points and ten brainliest answers.

▪ Ace : It is the regular rank in brainly with three thousand points and fifteen brainliest answers.

▪ Genius : It is the regular rank in brainly with fifteen thousand points and fifty brainliest answers.

Wizard Ranks :

Wizard ranks are the ranks which are given to users who gave the 500 + answers in one subject and they complete 50 brainliest answers on that subject. 

▪Maths Aryabhatta

▪Science Aristotle

▪Social Gandhi

▪Hindi Dinkar

▪Physics Newton

▪Chemistry Lavoisier

▪English Shakespeare

▪Biology Darwin

Answered by StylishhhhGirl

\huge{\mathfrak{Answer :-}}


There are two types of ranks on Brainly :

Regular Ranks

• Special Ranks



The Special Ranks are Further Divided into two types :

Wizard Ranks

• Achievement Ranks

\sf \blue{1.\ Wizard \ Ranks}

Some of the subject ranks for an outstanding performance are called as Wizard ranks. They are :

Maths AryaBhatta :

One who has answered atleast 500 good answers in Maths, 50 Brainliest answers

Science Aristotle :

For the ones answering 500 good answers in Science, 50 Brainliest answers

Physics Newton :

One who has answered atleast 500 good answers in Physics, 50 Brainliest answers

Chemistry Lavoiser :

One who have answered 500 good answers in Chemistry, 50 Brainliest answers

Biology Darwin :

The one's who have answered 500 good answers in BIology, 50 Brainliest answers

Social Gandhi :

One who has answered atleast 500 good answers in Social Studies, 50 Brainliest answers

History Herodotus :

For the ones answering 500 good answers in History and has 50+ brainliest answers.

English Shakespeare :

For the ones answering 500 good answers in English, 50 Brainliest answers

Hindi Dinkar :

For the ones answering 500 good answers in Hindi, 50 Brainliest answers

French Genius :

For the ones answering 250 good answers in French, 50 Brainliest answers

Computer Master :

One who has answered atleast 500 good answers in Computer, 50 Brainliest answers

\sf \blue{1.\ Achievement \ Ranks}

You can additionally have access to special achievement ranks too, to celebrate the spirit of Brainly. Some of the popular Achievement Ranks on Brainly are :

Brainly Master :

One who has two wizard ranks, has 3000 + answers, 10000 thanks

Brainly Hero :

One who has 25,000 + thanks

Brainly Challenger :

A user who has crossed 1500 answers with 150 + Brainliest

Brainly Warrior :

A user who crossed 3000 answers with 200 + Brainliest answers

Brainly Conquerer :

A user with 5,000 answers, 1000 brainliest answers, 25,000 thanks

Vital Contributor :

The user must have got 2 wizard rank, and has crossed 3000 answers with at least 500 brainliest

Brainly Blockbuster :

More than 4000 answeres on Brainly

Brainly Goblin :

Has 2,50,000 + points

Brainly Treasurer :

Has 5,00,000 + points and at least 500 brainliest

The Brainliest :

One who has 900 + Brainliest answers


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