1. What Are Two Types of Ranks in Brainly?
2. What Are Special Rank and How can I have them?
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Brainly Ranks
Common Ranks :
▪ Beginner : It is the starting rank in brainly with zero points and 0 brainliest answers.
▪ Apprentice : It is the regular rank in brainly with seventy points and zero brainliest answers.
▪ Rising Star : It is the regular rank in brainly with eighty five points and zero brainliest answers.
▪ Helping Hand : It is the regular rank in brainly with one hundred points and zero brainliest answers.
▪ Ambitious : It is the regular rank in brainly with two hundred fifty points and zero brainliest answers.
▪ Virtuoso : It is the regular rank in brainly with five hundred points and five brainliest answers.
▪ Expert : It is the regular rank in brainly with one thousand points and ten brainliest answers.
▪ Ace : It is the regular rank in brainly with three thousand points and fifteen brainliest answers.
▪ Genius : It is the regular rank in brainly with fifteen thousand points and fifty brainliest answers.
Wizard Ranks :
Wizard ranks are the ranks which are given to users who gave the 500 + answers in one subject and they complete 50 brainliest answers on that subject.
▪Maths Aryabhatta
▪Science Aristotle
▪Social Gandhi
▪Hindi Dinkar
▪Physics Newton
▪Chemistry Lavoisier
▪English Shakespeare
▪Biology Darwin
There are two types of ranks on Brainly :
• Regular Ranks
• Special Ranks
The Special Ranks are Further Divided into two types :
• Wizard Ranks
• Achievement Ranks
Some of the subject ranks for an outstanding performance are called as Wizard ranks. They are :
• Maths AryaBhatta :
One who has answered atleast 500 good answers in Maths, 50 Brainliest answers
• Science Aristotle :
For the ones answering 500 good answers in Science, 50 Brainliest answers
• Physics Newton :
One who has answered atleast 500 good answers in Physics, 50 Brainliest answers
• Chemistry Lavoiser :
One who have answered 500 good answers in Chemistry, 50 Brainliest answers
• Biology Darwin :
The one's who have answered 500 good answers in BIology, 50 Brainliest answers
• Social Gandhi :
One who has answered atleast 500 good answers in Social Studies, 50 Brainliest answers
• History Herodotus :
For the ones answering 500 good answers in History and has 50+ brainliest answers.
• English Shakespeare :
For the ones answering 500 good answers in English, 50 Brainliest answers
• Hindi Dinkar :
For the ones answering 500 good answers in Hindi, 50 Brainliest answers
• French Genius :
For the ones answering 250 good answers in French, 50 Brainliest answers
• Computer Master :
One who has answered atleast 500 good answers in Computer, 50 Brainliest answers
You can additionally have access to special achievement ranks too, to celebrate the spirit of Brainly. Some of the popular Achievement Ranks on Brainly are :
• Brainly Master :
One who has two wizard ranks, has 3000 + answers, 10000 thanks
• Brainly Hero :
One who has 25,000 + thanks
• Brainly Challenger :
A user who has crossed 1500 answers with 150 + Brainliest
• Brainly Warrior :
A user who crossed 3000 answers with 200 + Brainliest answers
• Brainly Conquerer :
A user with 5,000 answers, 1000 brainliest answers, 25,000 thanks
• Vital Contributor :
The user must have got 2 wizard rank, and has crossed 3000 answers with at least 500 brainliest
• Brainly Blockbuster :
More than 4000 answeres on Brainly
• Brainly Goblin :
Has 2,50,000 + points
• Brainly Treasurer :
Has 5,00,000 + points and at least 500 brainliest
• The Brainliest :
One who has 900 + Brainliest answers